Equality, diversity and inclusion

We believe that our registrants and staff deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, where they are free from barriers regardless of their protected characteristics or any other aspects of their identity.

Our commitments

We have a strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and strive to set a sector standard where diversity is valued, and everyone is included.

Promoting equality

We operate in a principled, fair and transparent manner and in a way that is free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. We aim to promote, celebrate and utilise the benefits of diversity and equality in all of our activities. This includes engaging fairly and equally with members of the public, registrants, current and prospective members and employees.

Valuing diversity

We value the differences which exist between people, the differences that extend well beyond protected characteristics. Valuing difference enables us to be innovative, inclusive and well-rounded and sustain an environment where everyone is valued, respected and included.

Being inclusive

We firmly believe that we will achieve and deliver more by working collaboratively and supporting individuals’ needs. As a regulator, public service provider and employer, we aim to ensure the full and fair participation of vulnerable or under-represented groups.

Meeting our equality duties

We are committed to delivering on all of our equality duties. We will make clear, well-reasoned, evidence-based decisions and will always be open and transparent in our justification when taking positive action to overcome the disadvantages experienced by some groups.

We will provide reasonable adjustments when requested and aim to use learning from these to improve our services and solutions.

Our strategy

Our EDI strategy for 2020-25 is embedded into our 'Fit for the Future' Strategic Plan 2020-25, to ensure that EDI is embedded in everything we do. The key aspects of our EDI strategy are under each strategic objective.

Anti-racism statement

Read our anti-racism statement.

Reporting process

We report on progress within our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion annually through the EDI Monitoring report. Our published Equality, Diversity and Inclusion reports provide an opportunity for us to reflect on our progress and plan our future.