FtP Focus

‘FtP Focus’ is a learning bulletin for registrants on the Fitness to Practise (FtP) process. The bulletin aims to provide insight into the types of concerns the GOC receives, demystify the FtP process and share learnings from it.


Since 2023, FtP Focus has been published as an e-bulletin, emailed directly to registrants. The full text from the bulletins can be viewed below:

Why do we erase registrants from the register? (Autumn 2023)

The importance of registration (Spring 2023)


FtP Focus was initially published as a PDF booklet. These issues can be viewed below:

Issue 1 - Triage

Issue 2 - Investigation

Issue 3 - Case Examiners

Issue 4 - Road to a Hearing

Issue 5 - Fitness to Practise Committee