
Annex 1

Standard 3: Obtain valid consent (Standards of practice for optometrists and dispensing opticians)


3.1. Obtain valid consent before examining a patient, providing treatment or involving patients in teaching and research activities. For consent to be valid it must be given:


3.1.1. Voluntarily.

3.1.2. By the patient or someone authorised to act on the patient’s behalf.

3.1.3. By a person with the capacity to consent.

3.1.4. By an appropriately informed person. In this context, informing means explaining what you are going to do and ensuring that the patients are aware of any risks and options in terms of examination, treatment, supply of appliances or research they are participating in. This includes the right of the patient to refuse treatment or have a chaperone or interpreter present.


3.2 . Be aware of your legal obligations in relation to consent, including the differences in the provision of consent for children, young people and vulnerable adults. When working in a nation of the UK other than where you normally practise, be aware of any differences in consent law and apply these to your practice.


3.3 . Ensure that the patient’s consent remains valid at each stage of the examination or treatment during any research in which they are participating.


Standard 3: Obtain valid consent (Standards for optical students)


3.1. Obtain valid consent before examining a patient, providing treatment or involving patients in teaching and research activities. For consent to be valid it must be given:


3.1.1 Voluntarily.

3.1.2 By the patient or someone authorised to act on the patient’s behalf.

3.1.3 By a person with the capacity to consent.

3.1.4 By an appropriately informed person. In this context, informing means explaining what you are going to do and ensuring that patients are aware of any risks and options in terms of examination, treatment, supply of appliances or research they are participating in. This includes the right of the patient to refuse treatment or have a chaperone or interpreter present.


3.2. Be aware of your legal obligations in relation to consent, including the differences in the provision of consent for children, young people and vulnerable adults. When in a nation of the UK, other than where you normally study or undertake supervised practice, be aware of any differences in consent law and apply these appropriately.


3.3. Ensure that the patient’s consent remains valid at each stage of the examination or treatment and during any research in which they are participating.


Standard 8: Maintain adequate patient records (Standards of practice for optometrists and dispensing opticians)


8.1 Maintain clear, legible and contemporaneous patient records which are accessible for all those involved in the patient’s care.


8.2 As a minimum, record the following information:


  • 8.2.1 The date of the consultation.
  • 8.2.2 Your patient’s personal details.
  • 8.2.3 The reason for the consultation and any presenting condition.
  • 8.2.4 The details and findings of any assessment or examination conducted.
  • 8.2.5 Details of any treatment, referral or advice you provided, including any drugs or appliance prescribed or a copy of a referral letter.
  • 8.2.6 Consent obtained for any examination or treatment.
  • 8.2.7 Details of all those involved in the optical consultation, including name and signature, or other identification of the author.


Standard 7: Maintain adequate patient records (Standards for optical students)


7.1 Maintain clear, legible and contemporaneous patient records which are accessible for all those involved in the patient’s care.


7.2 As a minimum, record the following information:


7.2.1 The date of the consultation.

7.2.2 Your patient’s personal details.

7.2.3 The reason for the consultation and any presenting condition.

7.2.4 The details and findings of any assessment or examination conducted.

7.2.5 The treatment, referral or advice you provided, including any drugs or appliance prescribed or a copy of the Referral letter.

7.2.6 Consent obtained for any examination or treatment.

7.2.7 Details of all those involved in the optical consultation, including name and signature or other identification of the author. This includes details of your supervisor including name and GOC registration number.