Make a declaration

Making declarations

Anyone applying to join, renew or restore to the General Optical Council register must make a declaration.

You may not be fit for registration if (amongst other grounds) you have:

  • any criminal convictions
  • disciplinary action from another regulator or physical/mental health issues.

Failure to make a declaration may lead to your fitness being questioned and investigated.

If you need help email:

Declarations guidance

We have produced guidance on making declarations when applying to join the register, restore or retain your registration for fully-qualified, student, and business registrants.

This policy explains the purpose of retaining registrants who have not met the GOC’s registration requirements:

This policy sets out how we deal with criminal offence declarations on a case-by-case basis. 

Making a declaration if you are not applying for registration, restoration or renewal

If you have any concerns about your fitness to be registered, our professional standards require you to make a declaration.

You can make a declaration at any time by completing the declaration form below.

Do not complete this form if you are completing a registration application, restoration application or renewal application, please use the declaration section provided as part of the application form.

Make a declaration

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